Management Consulting and
Executive Coaching



NORDIC UPSIDE is a Management Consulting Company founded in 2010.

We work with international Executives and organizations in the Professional Services and Enterprise Software arena, to help them build and scale their business to the new digital age.

Our +25 years of international and diverse backgrounds, from “both-sides-of-the table” – as dedicated executives, consultants and coaches, from organizations like SAP, IBM, PA Consulting Group, Applicon, R5, F.L.Smidth & Co, TRYG Insurance and Zürich Versicherung, enables us to serve prestigious clients with a multitude of business and personal backgrounds.

We use our skills in smart combination with an array of well-proven business enablers, accelerators and tools across new technology, processes and people.

This, combined with the philosophy of the informal “Nordic Leadership Model” of participative management, co-operation, a trustful delegation of responsibility and challenging subordinates, we ensure the right mix of speed, structure and forethought, to realize desired outcomes of business growth, sustained high performance and competitiveness for our clients.

Nordic Upside are inventors of both “Smart Value Selling” for “Account Based Demand Generation” and “Value Discovery Assessment” that radically help companies in “Closing the Value Gap between Technology and Business”.

NORDIC UPSIDE is located in Frederiksberg, Denmark, however working globally.